Sunday, October 3, 2010


Ryan had his happy birthday last Friday. He is 28. So old. Yikes! We opened one present from my parents in the morning but made him wait all day for the party before we let him open anything else. He spent the morning studying for some classes. He also had to take a test. What a lousy birthday present. Of course he did very well on it. That afternoon I had to go to the dentist. Stupid tooth. To be honest I am not sure there is a tooth left. Two and a half root canals and now a crown. Oh well, at least now I can chew. This left Ryan to watch the kids all afternoon. We had friends come over for cake and ice cream and games. It was really a fun night.

This is a present wrapped by the kids.

The kids wrapped it and they unwrapped it too.

Cute kids

It's a sweater.

Olivia loved playing in the box.

Finally after all day of waiting it was time for the party.

It's another sweater!

The kids helped open this present too, Iron Man and Oreos.

Just a small sampling of the kids we had over. At one point we had a few over that didn't belong to anyone at the party.

We had a mean game of Operation going. This is Ryan and Tara trying, they are in the same program. Neither of them could do it. Then other Ryan who is a med student tried. He failed too. In fact the only one who could do it was Adam the financial adviser! We all had a great time and laughed a lot. We also played Apples to Apples, there were some pretty funny moments.

I tried blowing up balloons after I got home from the dentist. My mouth was half numb and I couldn't do it.


Ann Bartholomew said...

Happy birthday. I especially liked Kaitlynn's blue shirt she wore that morning. Bryce Canyon was fun. Dad.

Kirsta Silvey said...

Nothing quite like birthday sweaters. I was expecting more out of the balloon video. Also, seeing pictures of your beautiful children makes me happy.

Lyndee said...

I found you! I hope Ryan had a great Birthday, we sure did. It's funny how fun we are all having at other peoples birthday parties!! I think my Ryan is next so we should have another party soon!