Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Day Of School!!!

Summer has officially ended and school has begun.  Kaitlynn started second grade and Jack became a kindergartner.  How did my kids get so old?

They woke up bright and EARLY.  They were dressed and ready by 6:15.  

 There was lots and lots of begging to go outside and wait in the bus line.  We made them wait to go outside until 7:45.  The bus comes at 8:10...  They were first in line.

 I have a cute picture of Kaitlynn standing on the porch on her first day. So I wanted to get the same one of Jack.   I guess the sun wasn't so bright two years ago.  He wasn't having it.

 I tried to get one of them by the tree.  Jack was more concerned about getting in the bus line.  

 Finally I let them go.  

 They were so eager to get their back packs in line and save their spots.  

 BUS!!! when the bus comes around the corner all the children yell and run to get in line.  It is really fun to watch.  Jack got a little nervous at this point but he did it. 

He was the first one to lead the kids onto the bus for the new school year.  

 Meanwhile we spent the day mudding and taping the basement in our attempts to finish it.  It was good for me to stay busy all day. I was so anxious for Jack. 

 The night before school started we all went to Back to School Night where Olivia fell in love with school.  She was so disappointed in the morning when she found out that she didn't get to ride the bus and play with teachers.  So she played school with Hannah.  

All my nerves for Jack were unwarranted.  In his words "School is Awesome!" so lets hope it stays awesome all year long!