Friday, April 8, 2011

Conference weekend

So I kind of blew it this last weekend.  I hardly took any pictures and then when I finally did pull out my camera it was almost dead.  Grr!  Hate it when that happens.  Anyway it was a good weekend even if it wasn't documented in pictures.  Ryan made sure we had plenty of treats and legos.  I was surprised how well it actually worked.  Saturday the kids watched or played quietly for all of the sessions except for the last half hour.  Sunday they were just as good.  We watched the last session at a friends house so the kids all played happily downstairs.  Sunday afternoon we also had a BBQ with friends too.  It was a bit on the windy side but can't complain too much since it was a very warm 90 degrees.  It was a little weird to see the snow in Utah and then walk outside and feel the heat.  Since it was so nice and Sunday (Ryan's no study day) we went for a family walk to the park.  It was fun to watch Jack try out his big boy bike.  He did very well with a little help from daddy.  I only got a few pictures before the camera died. 


Steve and Stace said...

What kind of camera do you have? It takes such great pics! Yay for nice days and Conference!

100-Day Heart Challenge said...

Glad to see Jack got a helmet to go with his new bike--they are growing up way too fast. I'll be there in May--try not to grow any more until then--OK? Love you, Nanny