Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Playing outside

Just some pictures of us playing outside this week.

Her hair is getting so long.
I would like Ray to look beyond the beautiful baby and notice that our flowers are still alive! Your efforts were not wasted!

This boy LOVES his light sabers.

Kind of creepy picture of me, but Jack was too cute to leave it out.

I missed the real moment. He was pretending to fight someone, and was killed. He was laying on the ground saying "oh no, you got me!".


Mike and Jessie Hylton said...

I love the pig tails. I can't believe how big she is getting. I miss you all so much.

Ann Bartholomew said...

I forgot to tell you that Ray was really impressed that the flowers are doing well. Must be that great Missouri weather!?! At least the weather right now.
Love, Nanny