Sunday, August 21, 2011

Rock Climbing

Once upon a time I was a decent rock climber but not so much any more.  While in Utah for one of our many adventures, we went rock climbing up Rock Canyon in Provo.  It was a lot of fun, but I am way out of shape.  I would like to blame having had three kids as my downfall, but I am guessing it has more to do with the bag of Cheetos I am eating currently.

This is the climb my younger brother thought we could do.   I don't know if I could have really made it up. The rain came so I didn't have to find out if I was a big failure.  

This is my cousin Emily. She came with us another day.   I didn't do any editing to this picture.  Yes she really is that tan and yes her teeth are that white.  

Michael climbing (actions pose).

Paul climbing (more action). 

Joseph climbing (epic action - sorry Jesse, used the word epic as an adjective this time).

Stephen climbing.  Sorry Stephen. I don't have good pictures of you climbing. It was either raining too hard or I was belaying you.  This is the best I have.

Less epic picture of Joseph. This might help Stephen feel less cheated about his picture.

Here I am rapelling down the crack climb. It's almost as scary going down.

I like this picture because you can see Paul peek over the cliff face making sure that his sister isn't messing up his rope or something. You can also see how Paul felt this was a good "beginner" climb.

This tough picture of Paul's arm shows exactly why he was the best climber out of all of us and why the crack climb should have been easy for us mere mortals.

But Stephen wins for prettiest baby blue eyes.

We also let the kids play up on a kid version of rock climbing while in Park City.  You were really supposed to pay to let the kids play on the playground but we thought that was stupid so we just walked in and played.  No one kicked us out. 

Ryan climbing up the wrong side,  just to show how tough he is. Yeah dear, you climbed like 5 feet. Real tough.

Jack was quite satisfied with his accomplishment.

Contemplating important things I am sure.

Thanks for the adventures!


Steve and Stace said...

So every time I look at your blog I get green with envy of your camera. You almost don't even need to write anything - your pictures say it all! So...I think you need to give it to me. ;) Haha. We would love for you to come and visit the beaches here - just fly on up - you can stay with us! :) Miss you lots!

Elena said...

Your post made me smile. I'm also jealous of your pictures but more jealous that I can't use the word belaying as something I actually did. Don't's not enough to make me want to go myself. :)