Thursday, April 5, 2012

I should be packing but...

look what Jack can do!

This was the first time on a his bike.  I have to say balance bikes are the best invention ever! He has spent the last year riding his balance bike.  I didn't have to run behind holding his the back of his seat.  At first he was really nervous to try a "two wheeler" but I told him not to worry about putting his feet on the petals.  I just wanted him to get comfortable with the idea of being on a big boy bike.  Well it didn't take him long.  Almost the instant he started going he put his feet up on the petals and off he went. He loves how fast he can go.

1 comment:

Cary and Paula said...

I love all the child support surrounding Jack. The neighbor kids are almost as proud of him as he is. The neighbor boy who shouted in to his house to tell Mom that Jack was riding a bike was especially charming.