Monday, April 2, 2012

Our March Madness

So it seemed like we hadn't done much of anything but when I looked at our pictures I was proven wrong. Birthdays, surprise visits, and a mini vacation filled our month.

Ann came out to surprise the kids with a quick visit.  Jacks reaction was the best.  We were in the living room playing a game when he looked out the window in time to see Nanny walking up the sidewalk.  I believe his exact words were "What the weirdy head! There is someone here and it looks like Nanny!"

Sunday morning she gave them church bags.

The best was these mini Book of Mormon's with their names engraved.

Jack was pretty stoked about getting a CTR ring.  At the first of the year most of the primary receive a new ring but sunbeams are not allowed since on the package it says not intended of for children three and under.  We figured Jack would be okay, he was turning four the next day.

Wouldn't be a Nanny visit without story time.

My little boy is not so little.  Jack celebrated his fourth birthday March 5.

The boy was spoiled.  We only let him open a couple presents in the morning since Kaitlynn had to go to school and was feeling sad she would miss all the fun.  He received all things dinosaur, and couldn't have been happier.  Dinosaur Train (a PBS kids show) is a favorite in our home.

In the afternoon we had some friends come over and celebrate with us.  Olivia didn't care about all the friends and toys. She just wanted to play with our neighbors baby.

Jack is in the middle of all these kids trying to open his present.  There were a lot of little helpers.

We also went to a bounce house to celebrate.  The kids got a little warm jumping around.

Ryan had to work the night shift so when he returned home the morning of Olivia's birthday he had left over cupcakes from Jacks birthday for breakfast.

So did Olivia.

Olivia with all of her presents. A carseat, baby, books, and new clothes.

Cute girl.

Preschool lesson on wind. After a little bit I stopped trying to teach and just let them play with their windmills and fan.

I found this note taped on the kids door after Kaitlynn had left for school one day.  Kaitlynn and Jacks rules. 1. 2 toys at a time.  2. No jumping on the bed.  3. Put your toys away when you are done.  4. Keep the room clean.  Sounds like pretty good rules to me!

Just because I told Michael that I would put this on the blog.

Our mini trip to Omaha.

We stayed at a hotel with a small water park inside. So much fun!

Though this girl did get a bit stressed out.

I am guessing that would be because her daddy got them sopping wet on accident.  They were walking around the play splash area when a big bucket of water dumped on them. Oops!

This may have been the highlight of the whole trip for them, eating pizza in bed!

Olivia kept everyone up late with her singing.  She sings a boisterous rendition of ABC's to help her fall asleep at night.  We have heard her doing it in her own room before and thought it was kind of funny.  It looses some of its humor and charm when sharing the same room!

Breakfast was cereal and cartoons.  Pretty sure they were in heaven!

The day was spent at the Zoo.

Classic picture by the Buddhist orangoutang statue.

Butterfly room.

They were looking at this.

I think they are looking at a monkey.

Hard to tell but behind the glass was a baby gorilla.  When I put Olivia up but the window he saw her and came over to play.  They were giving each other high fives.  Very Cool.  But it didn't take long to attract crowds which squished Olivia, so she wanted out of there.

1 comment:

Lynette said...

What some fun parties and adventures. We are looking forward to your trip home. See you soon.