Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Jack!

It happened.  He grew.  And here we are again celebrating another birthday.  Three!  He is so old, so smart, and oh so perfect.  I am forever grateful for my snuggly warrior.

The morning started out with his morning dose of antibiotics.  Once Nanny arrived she was the only one he wanted to help "squeeze the bottle".

Then it was time to mix up the cake.

I had to cut off the bottom to make it lay flat a little better.  They were happy to help clean up.

While Jack took his afternoon nap Nanny and Kaitlynn were busy decorating.  He woke up to balloons, banners and streamers.

Olivia though it doesn't really look like it, love hitting the balloons too.  Sadly today I put an end to all the balloons.  I let the kids keep them down stairs for a few days but today I took a seam ripper to all of them. A little brutal I know but very satisfying.

I got a little too ambitious.  This was the cake he wanted and I said okay.  What in the world was I thinking!  There was supposed to be a lot more color on the cake but I ran our of energy/ability.  

Jack still had the nappy grumps when he woke up so he didn't want to play pin the tail on the donkey. He thought it was a stupid idea to cover your eyes, spin around and then try and find the donkey while others laugh at you.   I guess I can see his logic.  Kaitlynn played though and we thought it was fun.  Though even she thought the blind fold was a stupid idea.  Here she is pinning the tail in the right spot without a blind fold.  Much better.

Then we headed off to a bounce house.

Turns out a bounce house is more Kaitlynns thing. Not Jacks.

Love the skirt.

This pose if perfect because she was wearing a wonder woman shirt.

Jack really didn't like the huge slides.  He started to go down head first then thought better of it and needed daddy to save him.  Ryan had to pull him up by one foot while holding Olivia.

Then they went down all together.  Blurry picture but you can see Kaitlynn loves it, Jack likes it (as long as daddy is holding him) and Olivia is not a fan!

She was still protesting after the ride.

Nanny indulged Jack and went down a few times.

This picture could have been so perfect but I did something weird to the setting and made everything all blue!

We had to wait until evening to open presents because Ryan had to be at a conference all day.  Jack and Kaitlynn could hardly stand the anticipation.  We let him open presents from Grandma and Grandpa Hylton before dinner just to appease the tension.  Tons and tons of Hot Wheel Cars!  While he stayed in the hospital some of the prizes they gave him were Hot Wheel Cars.  He thinks they are super cool now.

Yum Pirate Cake!  This cake taste yummier than regular cake since mommy spent two hours decorating it!  I am sure that is exactly what he was thinking.

Time for more presents.  Nanny gave him a lunch box thermos bag thingy to hold all of his toys in.  It is absolutely perfect he carries it around every where and now all of his little toys and cars have a spot.  

Then onto the big gift from mom and dad.  A bike!  LAst summer he learned how to ride a tricycle and then spent most of his time on Kaitlynns bike. So we figured to help eliminate some fights we would just get him one of his own.  The weather has been to cold to actually use it yet.

This picture makes it look like he really loved the bike.

But it only lasted about five seconds and then everyone wanted to play with his other presents.


100-Day Heart Challenge said...

Nanny sure misses all of you but tha was such a fun birthday. Hope the weather has improved so Jack can ride his bike outside--it's really nice in Utah--wish you were here! Thanks for all the great pictures.

Elena said...

I think you did a great job on the cake! Happy birthday Jack!

Steve and Stace said...

Sounds like a fun birthday. Your hair is getting so long!! I don't know that you've ever had it longer than mine and it is! Happy Birthday to Jack - so glad he's out of the hospital. You sure are a super cute mom - pirate cakes, balloon indulging and all! I miss you!